From Blah to Bam! Elevate Your Content Game

Seogirl, a freelance content strategist and copywriter, helps businesses aspiring to become brands build a seamless content strategy aligning with their end goals. Here, you will get an SEO-Led Content Strategy that Grows your business organically on SERPs.


Client Reviews

Content strategy services

A Customized Content Strategy Can Make All The Difference

If you are here, you probably know how important content is. Content can either uplift your brand or downgrade it. Of course! It will depend on the content strategy that you will execute. It is when Seogirl steps in as a savior with a decade of content strategy, copywriting, and SEO expertise.

With expert freelance content strategists and copywriters like Seogirl, you can expect nothing less than a fully customized, SEO-focused, bottom-of-the-funnel first content strategy that will bring traffic to your website/platforms that converts.

Every client gets a complete monthly content strategy plan, content calendar, content ideations, and publishing calendar if you hire Seogirl as a strategist. In addition, Seogirl also offers copywriting services – completing the whole package.

The good thing is?

It all comes at a fraction of the cost!


Client Reviews


Experienced writer service company

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The 6-Step Content Strategy | Designed to grow your brand Organically

We all understand the power of a well-crafted content strategy by now. At Seogirl, the mission is simple: to help brands like yours stand out in today’s competitive marketplace through strategic and impactful content.


Discover Your Brand's Essence

Let's embark on a journey to unveil the essence of your brand. By diving deep into your identity, values, and unique selling propositions, we'll lay the foundation for a content strategy that truly resonates with your audience.

Deliverables: Brand's vision | Brand's Storyline | Value Preposition


Define Clear Objectives

We will define clear and measurable goals aligned with your business objectives. Whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or boosting conversions, we'll tailor our approach to meet your specific needs.

Goals we often work on include Website/Platform Traffic | Conversions | Brand Awareness | Engagement


Map Out Your Content Ecosystem

Seogirl, your freelance content strategist, will work closely with your team to develop a comprehensive content calendar outlining topics, formats, and distribution channels. From blog posts and articles to social media content to video marketing, we'll ensure every piece of content serves a purpose and contributes to your overall strategy.

Deliverables - Content calendar


Bring Your Content to Life

With my copywriting skills, we'll bring the content strategy to life. From engaging blog posts to captivating video scripts to eye-catching visuals, we'll craft content that speaks directly to your target audience and drives results.

Deliverables - Content


Maximize Reach and Engagement

We'll help you maximize the reach and engagement of your content through targeted distribution and promotion strategies. Whether through email marketing, social media marketing, guest blogging, or influencer partnerships, Seogirl ensures your content gets in front of the right audience at the right time.

Deliverables - Content distribution calendar | Content distribution campaigns


Track Performance and Iterate

The work doesn't stop here! Once your content is live, Seogirl (freelance content strategist) continuously tracks performance metrics and analyzes data insights to identify trends, patterns, and areas for optimization. By iterating and refining our approach, we'll ensure your content strategy is always driving meaningful results.

Deliverables - Performance report | Keyword Ranking | Traffic report

Content Writing Services

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Website Content

Elevate your online presence with captivating website copy that tells your brand story, communicates your value proposition, and converts visitors into loyal customers. From brand stories, service pages, and landing pages to product descriptions, Seogirl ensures every word resonates with your target audience.

Product Description

Efforts to sell products without proper product descriptions can end up in vain, ultimately hurting the business's reputation. Conveying: what is your product, its use case, how it is different, and why one should buy it is essential to help buyers understand the product. Seogirl has a well-defined formula for writing product descriptions that entice buyers.

Blog Writing

Keep your audience engaged and informed with dynamic blog content that showcases your expertise, addresses their pain points, and sparks meaningful conversations. From informative articles to thought-provoking opinion pieces, Seogirl helps you establish authority in your industry.

Email Copies

Nurture leads and cultivate customer relationships with persuasive email campaigns that resonate with your subscribers. Whether you're launching a new product or promoting a special offer, Seogirl will craft compelling messages that drive opens, clicks, and conversions.

SEO Content

SEO (Search engine optimization) is an integral part of any business’s digital marketing plan that cannot function without well-written SEO content. Considering the importance, you should hire a professional SEO copywriter for building well-written SEO content (articles, PPTs, guest blogs, link baits, blogs, infographics) that pushes your brand and ranks it in SERPs.

Social Media Content

Fuel your social media channels with engaging content that captivates your followers, fosters community engagement, and drives brand advocacy. From catchy captions to visually stunning graphics, Seogirl helps you create scroll-stopping content that keeps your audience coming back for more.


Stay top-of-mind with your audience and drive engagement with informative and engaging newsletter content. From industry updates to exclusive offers, Seogirl creates newsletter content that keeps your subscribers informed and excited about your brand.

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Why Choose Seogirl?

Personalized Approach

As a freelance copywriter, I work closely with each client to understand their unique goals, voice, and brand personality, ensuring every content reflects their vision.

Proven Results

With a track record of delivering high-quality content that drives real business outcomes, Seogirl is your trusted partner for all your copywriting needs.

Affordable Rates

As a freelancer, I offer competitive pricing without compromising quality, making professional copywriting services accessible to businesses of all sizes.



A content strategist plans creates, and manages content to achieve business goals and meet user needs. Content strategists like Seogirl research audience preferences, define content goals and collaborate with stakeholders to ensure alignment with brand objectives. Content strategists also oversee content creation, distribution, and optimization across various channels, analyzing performance metrics to refine strategies. They stay updated on industry trends to enhance brand visibility, build audience trust, and drive desired actions through compelling content.
Companies with online presence, such as websites, social media platforms, and email newsletters, particularly rely on content strategists to ensure their messaging is clear, consistent, and engaging. Content strategists help organizations identify target audiences, develop content plans, and implement strategies to maximize reach and impact. They play a crucial role in enhancing brand reputation, driving customer engagement, and ultimately, achieving business success.
Yes, a content strategy often includes SEO (Search Engine Optimization) considerations. SEO aims to improve a website's visibility in search engine results, making it easier for users to find relevant content. Content strategists integrate SEO principles into their plans by conducting keyword research, optimizing on-page elements (such as meta tags and headers), and creating content that aligns with user search intent. By incorporating SEO techniques, content strategists help ensure that the content they produce not only meets user needs but also performs well in search engine rankings, driving organic traffic to the website and maximizing its online presence.
Yes, Seogirl provides content writing services of all kinds. Be it copywriting, brand story writing, newsletter content, email marketing content, blog, article, or social media content, here you will get it all,