Build A Sales Copy That Compels Conversions | Copywriting Tips

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Are you struggling to create a good sales page for your upcoming launch? 

Do not sweat! 

Below, you will find all my secret ingredients to creating a strong sales copy for your business online. 

Before we start, let me welcome everyone who is new to my blog. 

Seogirl blog is a platform where I share digital marketing, copywriting, and solopreneur tips to help people with similar interests. 

After being in this industry for a decade, I started this journey. You will find everything I have learned about SEO, content marketing, copywriting, and digital marketing over the years here.

For example, today, you will find the complete process of creating a strong sales page for your business.

This short tutorial is best for every service-based business thinking of creating a good sales page on its website. These tips will also work wonders for product-based businesses. 

8 Elements of a Compelling Sales Copy

The secret sauce to creating a compelling sales copy for your website includes the following components. 

  • Headline
  • Indoctrination 
  • Problem statement & solutions
  • The offer
  • Benefits
  • Building authority
  • Scarcity 
  • Call-to-action

The headline is equivalent to the shortest sales pitch. Once you crack that, consider that half of your job is already done. 

Saying so might sound a bit of an exaggeration to you, but it is a fact!

The job of a headline is to fetch the attention of the people scrolling through millions of similar pages and articles. 

A great headline will hook your prospects, introduce your product or service, show its benefits, and create interest for the readers to move forward. 

The question is: How do we fit all of this in a short headline? 

The first thing to do while writing a headline is to ensure that you write a headline that you believe will speak directly to the targeted audience and entice them to read the entire copy. 

Remember, a Headline is just a start! 

While creating a headline for your sales copy: 

  • Know your target audience 
  • Ensure it is simple but crisp
  • Implement keywords, but avoid overdoing it
  • Make it interesting
  • Always use an active voice 
  • Make a promise you can live up to
  • Make it informative

You might also like to learn how to write a good SEO optimized blog?

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Indoctrination comes right after your headline and before you start selling. In short, it is a build-up that you get to create before you start selling your service or product. 

It is the part of the article where you start to communicate with your reader. 

Remember, it is a place where you start building your impression without killing the interest to move ahead. 

Although it is a small paragraph, it still needs a lot of effort to weave this part of the sales copy. 

But I assure you, it is worth spending time creating this part. Since it is where you tell your readers about who you are and why what you say matters to them. 

Here, you should add a touch of empathy to motivate them to stay on your piece. 

When you talk about the immediate fears, needs, and interests of your audience, you will be able to build an emotional connection with them.

Doing this is what will keep them hooked.

The basic concept of pitching your service or product is to help the prospects understand the ideology behind it. 

What exactly is the purpose of the product or service you are offering? 

It is in our human nature that we focus more on problems than on their solutions. Considering this, it is critical that you clearly state the problem your product or service is going to solve. 

Focusing on their specific problems is more likely to establish an emotional connection with them. 

Remember, there is a thin line between stating a problem and sprinkling salt on the wounds. 

So, be very careful while creating a problem statement. 

If not, you are more likely to make prospects feel alienated, attacked, or misunderstood. 

So, in short, while creating a sales page, you need to make sure that you focus on a specific problem that your service or product is targeting to solve. 

Now that you have stated the problem, it is time to share the solutions. 

Always specify the solutions that will keep the prospect(s) engaged.

Always remember, you have to make readers believe in the solution you are offering before you start to sell it to them.

It is the part of the sales page where you introduce your solution – service or product. 

Always pitch your solution in a way that is the easiest, simplest, and fastest solution to the problem you defined above. 

It is time to focus on the USP of your product or service. To crack this section, here are a few tips. 

Always breakdown this part into the following subsections (questions) – 

  • What is it?
  • How it works?
  • Where to get it?
  • How much will it cost?
  • What to expect out of it?

Breaking down what you offer into these sections will help you engage the prospects while making the offer irresistible to them.

Now that we have covered what you offer, it is time to get to the Why part of it.

Now comes the part where you explain why your prospect should buy your service(s) or product(s).

In short, you need to answer the question: 

What is in it for them? 

This section of the sales page will contain deeper information on your product or service. 

Unlike other sections, you can go crazy explaining the relatability and benefits of your service(s) or product(s). 

What I have noticed over the years is that most people confuse features with benefits. 

For example, if you wish to sell a toy, 

  • Batteries included is a feature
  • Gift your child a memorable and precious moment is the benefit. 

So, be very clear. 

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Building social authority for the service or product is another critical part of a sales page. 

Adding testimonials, reviews, press coverage, credentials, experience, and more is what can help build authority significantly. 

Now, I believe that it is not essential to have all these things in one section. It is more effective to spread it all across the sales page.

Another highlight of a sales page is to build a feeling of scarcity for your product or service. It is human nature that this scarcity adds to the appeal. 

The common types of scarcity you can play around with are – 

  • Limited Discount 
  • Limited Stock 
  • Limited Time Bonuses 
  • Limited Offer 

You can play around with these Hooks during special events like birthdays, anniversaries, occasions, etc.

Another essential part of a compelling sales page is: “Call-to-Action”. 

Remember, a CTA should be clear, straightforward, and placed where it can fetch eyes. 

Some effective calls to action are – 

  • Order now 
  • Get instant access 
  • Enrol now 
  • Register now

Now, do not just place it in one section but spread it across the copy. 

These are some helpful tips that have helped me over the years to create a compelling sales copy for different businesses. 

After the final copy is ready, recheck it to ensure everything is accurate, clear, precise, and catchy.

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